Writing Rules

General Principles

You should upload your research to the system in accordance with Dorlion Journal's spelling and publication rules.


1. Dorlion Journal (Academic Social Research) is an international refereed journal and its place of publication is Odunpazarı/Eskişehir - Turkey. It is published 2 (two) times a year. When necessary, it may publish special issues and additional issues outside of these issues.

2. Dorlion Journal (Academic Social Research) is a scientific, peer-reviewed journal that publishes academic social studies such as scientific articles, interviews, translations, theses, books, etc. related to the fields of Theology, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Archeology, Language, Literature, Dialects, Folklore, History, Geography, Communication Sciences, Fine Arts, Social Work, Tourism, Political Science, International Relations, Educational Sciences, Preschool Education, Child Development, Turkish Education and Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language. Studies outside these fields cannot be accepted for publication in our journal except for the approval of the editorial board.

3. Adding scientific articles, interviews, translations, introductory articles to the journal system is considered as an application for publication and the article is sent to the referee process.

4. Authors cannot withdraw their articles or upload them to another journal platform from the moment they upload their articles to the journal system until the editorial process is completed. All copyrights of the articles submitted to Dorlion Journal belong to the authors, and they can be redeveloped and published elsewhere, reproduced, and used by citing the source. In addition, all legal responsibilities that may arise from the articles belong to the authors. No fee is paid to the authors for the articles submitted to our journal. The editorial team has the right to make changes deemed necessary on the manuscripts.

5. The publication language of Dorlion Journal (Academic Social Research) is Turkish and English. However, if necessary, articles in other languages can be accepted with the approval of the editorial board.

6. At the beginning of the article, a Turkish (Abstract) and English (Abstract) of at least 150 and at most 300 words, Turkish (Keywords) and English (Keywords) of 3-5-7 words, and a title in Turkish and English should be included. Manuscripts that do not fulfill these conditions will not be published even if they complete the referee process.

7. Since the manuscripts sent to Dorlion Journal (Academic Social Research) will enter the referee process, the name or information deciphering the identity of the author should not be included in the manuscripts added to the system. After the referee process of the article is completed, information about the author or authors will be added to the article by the editorial board.

8. In Dorlion Journal (Academic Social Research), the following processes take place after the article is uploaded to the system by the author: The uploaded article is checked by the editor / assistant editors for compliance with the publication and spelling rules. After the editorial approval is completed, the article is first sent to foreign language and spell check referees/editors. At least 2 field referees are assigned for each article that passes the approval of these referees/editors. These two field referees consist of expert academicians with at least the title of Dr. in the relevant science/department. The article that receives 2 rejections from these two referees is returned to the author, while the article that receives 2 acceptances is taken into the publication process. Apart from these, a third referee is assigned to the article that receives 1 rejection and 1 acceptance, and the process of the article is decided according to the decision of that referee. Process information about the article is shared with the authors.

9. In Dorlion Journal (Academic Social Research), when the article corrected by the author as a result of the referee report reaches the journal, if the referee wants to see the article a second time, the article is sent to the referees again through the Journal system and the approval of the referees is expected again.

10. Manuscripts added to the journal system should not have been published elsewhere before. Symposium abstracts can be published if the situation is specified in the article. Papers published in full text are not accepted for publication within the ethical rules.

11. The works cited under the heading REFERENCES at the end of the text should be arranged in alphabetical order of author's surname, with the author's surname and name in lower case, except for the initials.

12. In Dorlion Journal (Academic Social Research), referees are determined by the editorial team and added to the system.

13. The recommendations of ICMJE (International Board of Medical Journal Editors) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) International Standards for Editors and Authors should be taken into consideration in scientific manuscripts submitted to our journal.

14. Authors cannot withdraw the articles whose refereeing process has started and/or ready for publication.

15. Contact information of the author(s) and ORCID ID numbers (author identification number) are added to the articles published in Dorlion Journal.


17. Decisions of studies requiring Ethics Committee approval should be uploaded to the system. It should be stated in the method section and a sample of the decision should be attached to the appendix of the article.

18. Among the articles that require ethics committee permission, ethics reports are not requested from articles that require ethics committee permission, provided that the research data before 2020 are used, produced from master's / doctoral studies (should be specified in the article), and the research data belong to before 2020 and submitted to the journal in 2020, provided that the author states in the method section that the study data belong to before 2020.

19. Articles submitted to the journal are checked through the iThenticate, Turnitin or intihal.net similarity program at the beginning of the editorial process. Studies with a similarity rate of more than 15% are not included in the publication process.

20. The submitted manuscripts should be clear and understandable in terms of language and expression in accordance with scientific criteria.


- Book reviews are constructed with a different content than a book summary or introduction. Book reviews should have a structure that analyzes the main thesis of the book with an analytical approach.
Introducing the chapters of the book, giving brief information about the author and the publishing house, determining the place of the reviewed book among the author's other publications and explaining the contribution of the book to the literature are the basic features of a good book review. These points should be taken into consideration in the reviews to be submitted.

- In book reviews, long quotations and evaluations that do not include the views of the reviewers should be avoided. Information such as the main subject and thesis of the book, the period, time and people examined by the book should be revealed with the approach of the reviewer.

- Under the title of the book review, the name of the book, author, year of publication, publishing house, number of editions, ISNB number, number of pages should be written.

-As a book reviewer, you may agree with the book or disagree with its ideas, or you may point out exemplary or incomplete aspects of the information, judgments or structure presented in the book.

-As a book reviewer, you should also clearly express your thoughts about the book.

-A book review is a critical discussion of a book, shedding light on the most important points raised in the book. The book review should follow a general structure of introduction, summary of the book, critical discussion and conclusion.
The author of the book review:

-State his/her main thesis and approach in the introduction,

-The abstract should focus on the main arguments and claims of the book and list its contributions and objections to the discipline,

-In the critical discussion section, evaluate the significance of the author's contributions to the field, examine the data on which his/her arguments are based and whether they are used appropriately in the context; and

-In the conclusion part, they should express their conclusions about the book.


Page Layout

1. Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word program and page structures should be arranged as follows:

Paper Size:  A4 Vertical
Top Margin Space: 4 cm
Bottom Margin Space: 3 cm
Left Margin Space: 3 cm
Right Margin Space: 3 cm
Font / Font Style: Gentium Plus
Article Word Count: 4000-8000 (First four issues will not be taken into account)
(This limit is not required for translated articles)
Font Size (main text): 11
Size (footnote text): 8
Paragraph Spacing: First 6 nk - Then 6 nk
Paragraph Indent: 1.25 cm
Line Spacing: 1
2. For articles that use a special font that is not available in the Microsoft Word program, the font file should be added when the article is added to the system.
3. In the articles, details such as page numbers, headers and footers should not be included.
4. In terms of spelling and punctuation, the spelling guide of the Turkish Language Association should be taken as basis, except in cases where the article or the subject is mandatory.
5. Only one format should be adhered to in the citation systems used in articles. There must be a bibliography at the end of each article. It is among the priorities of our journal that the bibliography is organized and formatted.
Explanation on Writing and Publication Principles
Title: It should be a title that is compatible with the content and best expresses it.
The main title of the article should be written in 14 font size and bold, and the English title should be written in 12 font size and italicized.
Section Headings: (Bold 10 pt.) In the article, main, intermediate and subheadings should be used by giving numbers in order to provide an orderly transfer of information (Excluding Conclusion and References).
Abstract: At the beginning of the article, there should be an abstract in Turkish and English, which expresses the subject in a short and concise manner and consists of 150-300 words.
Under the abstract, keywords consisting of 3-5-7 words should be given. The abstract and abstract section should be written in 9 font size, 1 line spacing.
Main Text: It should be written on A4 size (29.7×21 cm.) paper, vertically, in MS Word program, in Gentium Plus font, 11 pt. and single-spaced. Page layout should be as specified.
Footnote: All information in the footnote should be written in Gentium Plus font, 8 pt, 1 line spacing.
Tables and Figures: Tables should be numbered and titled. Tables should be placed where they should be in the text. Figure numbers and names should be centered just above the figure.
Pictures: High-resolution, print-quality scanned images should be included in the text. The rules for naming images should follow the rules for figures and charts.
Only the following format should be used for citation systems in articles. In-text references and bibliography should be as indicated in the examples:
Sample Citation:
Article Single Author:
Footnote: Yılmaz Arı, "Toplumsal Değişim ve Din", Asya Studies-Academic Social Studies / Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar, 5/16 (2021b), 131.
Bibliography: Arı, Yılmaz. "Social Change and Religion". Asya Studies-Academic Social Studies / Academic Social Studies 5/16, (2021b), 131-142.
Footnote: Yılmaz Arı, Değişim Sürecinde Alevilikte Dini Otorite; Adıyaman Dedeleri Örneği, (İstanbul: İlmi & Asitan Yayınları, 2nd Edition, 2022), 35.
Bibliography: Arı, Yılmaz. Religious Authority in Alevism in the Process of Change; Adıyaman Dedeleri Örneği. Istanbul: İlmi & Asitan Publications, 2nd Edition, 2022.
Book Chapter Single Authored:
Footnote: Yılmaz Arı, "Din ve Otorite Kavramları Bağlamında Sünnilikte Dini Otorite", İlahiyat Alanında Araştırma ve Değerlendirmeler, ed. Fevzi Rençber, Yılmaz Arı et al., (Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı, 2021a), May/166.
Bibliography: Arı, Yılmaz. "Religious Authority in Sunnism in the Context of Religion and Authority Concepts". Research and Evaluations in the Field of Theology. ed. Fevzi Rençber, Yılmaz Arı et al., May/163-188. Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı, 2021.
ISNAD ATTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN WORKS 2nd Edition (in-text or footnoted) will be used. www.isnadsistemi.org
Guide: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/download/isnad-2-yazim-kilavuzu/
The editorial team has the right to edit/revise the manuscript to ensure compliance with academic rules.
Templates and Forms
Please fill out and sign the form number 1 below and upload it to the system together with your article written in accordance with the Article Template number 2 and your plagiarism report:

1. Article Application Form - Download

2. Sample Article Template - Download