Some Fiqh Discussions Regarding the Implementation of Hajj Worship




İslâmic Law, Hajj, Mîqāt, Stoning of The Devil, İstitâat, Fiqh Discussions, Jeddah.


Hajj, one of the five fundamental principles of Islam, is a form of worship performed by performing certain rituals such as circling the Kaaba (tawaf) wearing the ihram dress at a certain time and place with the intention of worship, performing the sa'y between Safa and Marwa, standing at Arafat, stoning the devil, sacrificing an animal and shaving. The Prophet Muhammad taught his ummah the forms and principles of this worship by saying, “Learn your Hajj from me”; he performed Hajj only once in his life. However, since the times of the Companions and the Successors, different approaches to some practices of this worship have brought about fiqh discussions. In this study, it has been examined whether some obstacles such as health can be included in the scope of disposition in the practice of Hajj, which is both a financial and physical act of worship. The meaning of the months of Hajj, which can be performed in four days, has been evaluated in general terms. Issues such as whether or not the pilgrims will lose their obligations if their turn does not come due to excessive crowding, as well as the time of the Muzdalifah waqf and the stoning of the devil, and the place of slaughtering the hedy sacrifice have been discussed. In this context, by benefiting from the existing jurisprudential knowledge on Hajj, various solutions have been proposed from a jurisprudential perspective for the problems encountered during the performance of this worship. These suggestions aim to facilitate the performance of Hajj and to provide effective solutions to existing problems.



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How to Cite

SARI, S. (2024). Some Fiqh Discussions Regarding the Implementation of Hajj Worship . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DORLION ACADEMIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH (IJODASOR) ISSN: 2980-2806, 2(2), 544–569.