The Method of The Qur’an Inviting to Repentance




Quran, Sin, Forgiveness, Repentance, Pardon.


The Quran, which has been preserved for generations and continues to be a source of guidance as it was on the first day, continues to illuminate the darkness with its light. Despite his weaknesses, the person addressed by the Quran strives to achieve happiness in both this world and the hereafter by applying the provisions revealed with his mind and will, and with the light of the Quran. The Quran uses different methods in calling people to repent. The Quran insists on calling its servant to repentance because the believer needs to repent due to his weaknesses and therefore needs to repent. When a person feels repentant, he wants to seek refuge in his Creator, Almighty Allah, by coming to the door of repentance and asking for forgiveness with concepts such as regret, repentance, forgiveness (istighfar) and pardon. In this context, the article examines the method and style in which the Quran invites people to repent of their sins. In this respect, the research aims to reveal a stylistic feature of the Quran. It seems that the Quran, on the one hand, invites people to repent by making good news promises, while on the other hand, it warns them by revealing the exemplary situations of past nations. On the other hand, it criticizes those who do not repent by sometimes asking questions and prompting them to think, and sometimes explaining the difficult situations they will face on the Day of Judgment if they do not repent. In response to the repentance of His servant, Almighty Allah covers, erases, converts to reward or removes his sins. A person who responds to the invitation, repents and asks for forgiveness, individually goes on the path of self-correction after his repentance. The positive changes in a person and the positive contributions of his repentance to society and other living and non-living creatures around him.


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How to Cite

ESER, M., & TOK, F. (2024). The Method of The Qur’an Inviting to Repentance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DORLION ACADEMIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH (IJODASOR) ISSN: 2980-2806, 2(2), 598–615.