A Current Look at the Concept of Calamity from a Teological Perspective: In the Example of the People of Lot
Kalām, Justice, Calamity, Tribulation, People of Lot.Abstract
The science of Kalam can constantly maintain its dynamism and vitality by including issues and problems related to different beliefs, thoughts or interpretations that can change according to time and place. In this context, the issue of what today's people should do and how they should think in the face of troubles and calamities that befall them remains a problem that the science of Kalam must answer. It is seen that the meanings of Qur'anic concepts have been narrowed over time within the framework of any view or expanded due to interpretations that emerged as a result of some scientific studies. The concept of trouble used in the Quran is one of the concepts that will be discussed in this context. Although it has a neutral meaning in the sense of testing, it is seen that the concept of trouble is often attributed with some negative meanings associated with God's actions such as causing calamity, punishment, and destruction. When the same concept is considered in the sense of testing each other, it seems possible to see extinction or salvation as a result of a chain of events that occur within the framework of a relationship between people. In this sense, our study will try to address the speculative interpretations of the concept of trouble from a Theological perspective. One of the methods of understanding the Quran is to examine historical events in accordance with their reality and to re-study the semantic meanings of Quran concepts in the light of the new data obtained. Such studies also show that different interpretations can be made to the same concepts and the events they are related to, in the light of the new meanings and interpretations gained by the concepts. Because sociological events that are open to various combinations can reveal many different cause and effect relationships. Therefore, in this study, it is discussed what the source of the problems that may be experienced by a person who is faced with different problems through testing and how the consequences will be reflected in his future. At this point, the fact that the people of Lot, one of the societies mentioned to have been destroyed, were tested with their acts of homosexuality and that all living things in the region were punished for this crime they committed does not seem fair in terms of God's actions and the balance of crime and punishment. The issue of whether it is theologically appropriate for any willing or unwilling servant to cause trouble to test God's servant without his own fault or intervention is a study worth examining and analyzing for today.
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