The Basic Dynamics of Islamic Political Theory
İslam, Siyaset, Devlet, Din, HilafetAbstract
Ibn ‘Akîl, one of the Islamic political theorists (d. 513/1119) defines politics as “doing things that lead people to righteousness and avoid iniquity, even if there is no revelation or application of the Prophet.” With this explanation, Ibn 'Akîl actually summarizes the most basic principles that Islam has in its relationship with state administration and politics. In the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet, which are the two main sources of Islam, no state management model is recommended for Muslims. However, in many verses of the Qur'an and the traditions (hadiths) of the Prophet, there are dynamics, values and principles that the entire society must abide by in the name of public interest for a political power -which can be called a state- whose ruler and people are Muslims. These; compliance with justice, Council , that is, making decisions through consultation in state affairs, caring about merit, enjoining good and preventing evil are universal rules that encompass everyone regardless of time and place. This study focuses on the basic dynamics that Islam accepts as the basis for an ideal state and social order. In addition, it is also mentioned how these idealized foundations in theory come into being in practice. In short, What are the basic dynamics that Islam proposes for a political order in theory and in practice? The question is being tried to be answered.
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