REFUGIA Radical Solutions to Mass Displacement




Sociology, Refugia, Book Review, Robin Cohen, Nicholas Van Hear.


In this study, Robin Cohen and Nicholas Van Hear's Refugia, which has been translated into Turkish literature, is analysed. In this study, the personal views of the authors are not analysed in detail, but the issues and discussions in the content of the book are focused on. The problem of refugees and asylum seekers is an issue that has recently concerned both our country and other countries in the world, and the studies on this subject are insufficient for the solution of the problem. The work we have examined offers solutions for a more humane life of displaced people in the future by using utopia as a method. The work discusses the existing solutions to the situation of displaced people and the Refugia society, which is its own solution based on the measures taken. According to the authors, refugia is not based on ethnicity, nationalism or religion. Communities subjected to forced migration are forced into a collective activity. In this structure, which is not based on identity politics, a democratic and self-sufficient governance model will be implemented. Since the international institutional structure is insufficient in terms of guiding mass displacement, the recommendations given in the book serve as a guide for researchers. This book offers radical solutions to the problem of mass displacement.


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How to Cite

MORKOÇ, N. (2024). REFUGIA Radical Solutions to Mass Displacement. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DORLION ACADEMIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH (IJODASOR) ISSN: 2980-2806, 2(2), 616–623.