Philosophy and Religion: Attention to Language and the Role of Reason




Philosophy, Religion, Language, Reason


In this work by David B. Burrell, the concept of the importance given to language in the field of philosophy of religion, which is one of the sub-disciplines of philosophy, is discussed under different headings. In this study, the philosophical benefits that contribute to religious understanding are analyzed on the axis of medieval Jewish, Christian and Islamic studies. Under the heading of the importance of language, Thomas Aquinas is concerned with how we behave in linguistic expressions about God, and Bernard Lobergan, on the need for certainty, sees Thomas Aquinas as the founder of the paradigm, but presents Descartes as a definitive example in this regard. Under the heading of the evaluation of truth, the role of reason in the problem of truth is emphasized, followed by a discussion of how the existence of God is expressed through Aquinas' Summa Theologiae. In the section titled The Language of Imperfect Signification, it is pointed out that philosophers of religion differ in similar discourses when it comes to divinity. Although language is limited in relation to the concept of God, this problem is compensated for by the author by saying that the questioners are special creatures. As a result, this study has clarified the concept of preambula fidei (the highest divine knowledge) and clarified previously misunderstood studies.


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How to Cite

David B., & Turan, M. (2024). Philosophy and Religion: Attention to Language and the Role of Reason. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DORLION ACADEMIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH (IJODASOR) ISSN: 2980-2806, 2(1), 24–40.