Loneliness and Philosophy
Philosophy, Loneliness, Ontology, Existentialism, Ontological LonelinessAbstract
This article was prepared to answer the question why loneliness is a philosophical problem. To reveal why loneliness is a philosophical problem, it is necessary to first talk about what kind of a concept loneliness is, how it is defined, and the reasons for its emergence. It is important to show what kind of concept loneliness is and to define loneliness in an intellectual context to understand its relationship with philosophy. For these reasons, in the introduction section, it is briefly mentioned what loneliness means, how it can be defined, the reasons for its emergence, and why it has a different meaning from solitude in conceptual terms. While defining loneliness in the introduction, it is also mentioned that loneliness is not only a subject of psychology and that loneliness is an interdisciplinary concept that is studied in many fields and can arise in every age. On the other hand, this concept, which is difficult to understand and define, has types created from various perspectives. In this context, to explain the relationship between loneliness and philosophy, it is necessary to talk about the types of loneliness. Therefore, in the second part of the study, ontological loneliness, which is one of the types of loneliness created from an existential perspective, was chosen.
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