Book Review: Veganism




Veganism by Valery Giroux and Renan Laure. Hazal Louze earned it, the work was published by İletişim Publications in 2021. The book consists of five chapters and the conclusion. The book is based on the literature on vegan nutrition. As a lifestyle, ethical and political attitude, vegan nutrition is one of the current topics of the world. In addition to vegan nutrition, the book includes Peter Singer and Tom Regan, who are known for their fundamental work on animal rights and animal ethics. In particular, in the section under the title animal ethics, the discussions of the thinkers among themselves are included. It also points to the existence of an epistemic community that produces knowledge around vegetarianism/vegetarianism/ this context, it shows that the subject is not merely the product of intellectual and academic points out that the knowledge produced on the subject brings together academic, activist and institutional feet. Within the framework of these reasons, the book Veganism by Valery Giroux and Renan Laure has been tried to be evaluated.



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How to Cite

BULUT, B., & Erkol, M. (2023). Book Review: Veganism. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DORLION ACADEMIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH (IJODASOR) ISSN: 2980-2806, 1(1), 144–155.