About the Journal

INTERNATIONAL DORLION JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC SOCIAL RESEARCH (IJODASOR) is an internationally refereed journal and is published twice a year, in June and December.

IJODASOR is a journal that publishes articles from all fields of social sciences. Within this framework, it publishes original scientific articles, translations, translation articles, and book reviews. In addition, symposium proceedings can also be published, provided that the place, meeting, and date of presentation are recorded and that they have not been published elsewhere. However, the responsibility for any problems that may arise from this publication activity belongs to the author. The printing and publishing rights of the articles sent to IJODASOR Journal for publication are transferred to the journal. These articles cannot be published, reproduced, or used in any other publication organ without permission from the journal management.

Our journal does not charge any fee from the authors.

IJODASOR Journal may publish the texts it has published in various media. Any legal, juridical, economic, and ethical responsibility that may arise from the articles sent to IJODASOR Journal belongs to the authors, even if the article in question is published. The Journal does not accept any liability.

The publication language of IJODASOR Journal is Turkish and English.