Sociological Perspective of Trust in Islamic Ethics



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Sociology of Religion, Trust, Religion, Islam, Prophet, Al-Amin


Trust is a fundamental aspect of interpersonal and social relations, contributing to healthy relationships, effective communication, cooperation, risk-taking, and social stability. Religion, customs, and traditions shape society's values and belief systems, influencing trust within a community. The innate need for trust begins from birth, as humans depend on caregivers and seek safety in social relationships. Trust is essential for feeling secure, and lack of trust leads to unease and caution in unfamiliar environments. Trustworthiness is vital for gaining society's love, respect, and trust. Honesty is a foundational trait, and individuals who prioritize honesty are regarded as trustworthy. Religion and cultural norms significantly shape social structures and customs, promoting moral values and providing guidance. Religion plays a crucial role in social integration, establishing common values, and fostering stability, solidarity, and moral behavior. Trust and confidence in God and society are essential for religion to fulfill its functions, including providing solace, combating guilt, and guiding moral decision-making.. The Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, exemplified exceptional morals and virtues. Muslims regard his life as a model to emulate, as recommended in the Quran. The Prophet's trustworthiness and truthfulness were evident throughout his life, earning him the title "al-Amin." Even his adversaries acknowledged his integrity and truthfulness. The Kaaba arbitration, where the Prophet played a significant role in rebuilding the Kaaba and resolving disputes, demonstrated his trustworthiness. His honesty and trustworthiness left an indelible impression on society, inspiring admiration and respect. This article explores the exemplary morals and personality of Prophet Muhammad, focusing on his trustworthiness and truthfulness. Through his life and teachings, the Prophet continues to serve as a guiding light for Muslims, offering valuable lessons in integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness for individuals and society at large.





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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Demir Kıvrak, H. (2023). Sociological Perspective of Trust in Islamic Ethics . Uluslararası Dorlion Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi (DASAD), 1(1), 1–12.